Sunday, December 9, 2012

Report of 2011 Cyber Threats

Norton Symantec released their Internet Security Threat Report: 2011 Trends in the early months of 2012. In the early pages of the report they summarized the attacks that had taken place in the year of 2011 by month.
One of the biggest accomplishments of 2011 was when the FBI received the court order to take down the Coreflood botnet. The botnet was controlled by 13 individuals who manipulated 2 million computers and stole millions of dollars from those computers through bank accounts and credit cards. The hacker's used a key logger to steal the passwords, usernames and financial information. They also had "the ability to launch massive denial-of-service attacks." Civil complaints were filled against the 13 individuals by a Michigan real estate company ($115,771 stolen), a South Carolina law ($78,421 stolen), and a Tennessee defense contractor ($241,866 stolen). This decade old botnet was shut down April of 2011 with the help of Microsoft's Digit Crime Unit.

For more information about the Coreflood botnet visit the website below:

Rashid, Fahmida Y. "FBI Shuts Down Coreflood Botnet, Zombies Transmitting Financial Data." QuinStreet    
             Inc., 13 Apr. 2011. Web. 09 Dec. 2012.

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