Sunday, December 9, 2012

Operation Ghost Click

          On the ninth of November in 2011 six Estonian nationals were arrested for infecting over a million computers worldwide in a cyber fraud ring to puppeteer the "MUTI-BILLION-DOLLAR Internet advertising industry." This virus made compromised users at risk for other malicious viruses. This fraud ring began in 2007 with a malware called DNSCharger that infected 4 million business, personal and governmental agency computers, 500,000 in the United States. The virus was able to scam 14 million dollars, and often damaged users' ability to update their anti-virus.
What is a DNSCharger?
A DNS (Domain Name System) is the thing that converts the domain name into numerical numbers, which is what allows computers to communicate with each other like emailing and surfing the web. So what the DNSCharger did was give the hackers control over the users web activity. So when a user clicked on a link they were taken to a different website. The thieves would sometimes create a duplicate of a legit website and sell their products; however when customers would purchase off the fake website the cyber criminals would steal their money, gain access to their computer, and deprive the actual websites of traffic. 
Because of rare international cooperation between the FBI and Estonian officials the six responsible for the cybercrime are in custody and will be extradited to the United States.

FBI Statement
FBI. "Operation Ghost Click." U.S. Department of Justice, 09 Nov. 2011. Web. 09 Dec. 2012.

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